Bringing Leadership to Teams with ORSC
Once upon a time, the word leadership was reserved for certain individuals. Today we see the term moving beyond just a role, applied instead to the collective process that flows through the networks in a group or organization.
One important methodology for enabling this process is Relationship Systems Intelligence, also known as RSI.
RSI is an approach to leadership and team interactions that encourages collaboration and creativity. It includes and transcends Emotional Intelligence and Social Intelligence. While Emotional Intelligence equips individuals with an understanding of themselves and Social Intelligence allows for understanding and empathy towards others, RSI enables leaders and teams to tap into their potential collective intelligence and creative powers and form a positive group identity.[1]
RSI is the foundation of Organization Relationship System Coaching or ORSC, the only systems coaching model accredited by the International Coaching Federation. Rather than focusing on individual relationships, ORSC works to improve a leader or team’s collective relationships.[2]
The leadership group or team coaching process is delicate, powerful and self-revealing. In a safe and confidential space, leaders and teams are encouraged to take ownership and discover solutions to reach their collective aspirations. Change happens more quickly when everyone is engaged. Leadership coaching in a group setting supports durable changes in behavior and establishes a foundation of trust, commitment and accountability. Once team members are engaged with each other and practicing together, the magic happens, and the ripple effect can be felt throughout the company.
Experiential learning as a team also has an important role to play in ORSC. Through highly interactive RSI exercises, a team can break through ‘old habits’ and ways of thinking and create bigger mindsets for the long term. Through ORSC, we move beyond the ‘who did what to whom’ mindset and instead enable teams to shift their focus from the individual (I) to the collective (WE).
ORSC can successfully address common organizational ailments like silo mentality, non-alignment, conflict, toxicity, role confusion, and low team morale. ORSC encourages intelligent ways of resolving conflict, managing change, developing efficient & productive teams, boosting engagement and increasing resilience in the face of adversity.
So instead of asking who leaders are, it’s time to focus what conditions and workplace cultures we need to allow leadership to flourish.
Learn more about New Metrics’ ORSC based solutions here.
About the Author
Elisabeth Van Loon-Muller is a New Metrics Consultant and the only certified ORSC Coach in Oman. With more than 15 years of experience across Europe, Africa and the Middle East, Elisabeth brings in a rich blend of expertise, knowledge and cultural awareness to her work. She equips organizations, teams and managers with an operating system that creates conscious and intentional relationships – the foundation for a healthy business environment and growth culture. By bringing ORSC to companies, Elisabeth feels humbled to witness how leaders and teams are empowered by the tools and experiential learning approach.
[1] Source: CRR Global (https://www.crrglobal.com/relationship-systems-intelligence.html)
[2] Source: CRR Global (https://www.crrglobal.com/relationship-systems-intelligence.html)