New Brand, New Chapter, New Metrics.
By Maya El-Haj
After nine years of growing our operations and expanding our reach in the fields of experience management and capability building, New Metrics is ready to present to you its new brand. Embracing a fresh approach to our entire digital presence, we intended to mirror our core values while conveying a clean, contemporary, and engaging identity. Read on to learn more about the process.
Why did we do it?
We redesigned our brand to represent who we are today.
After partnering with KOBU Agency to design our brand in 2017, we have partnered with them again to redesign our brand in reflection of the growth we have achieved ever since. We wanted to show what the New Metrics brand stands for and, in doing so, committed to a sustainable redesign to support our projects and business plans for the years ahead.
We aligned our content with our new brand.
This entailed looking at all the elements of our site and brand. We carefully considered our new design, ensuring the new website captured our full range of services and redefined what our brand now stands for.
New Metrics has become more geographically diverse, with projects in Europe and Asia joining our work across the MENA region. This has brought a diversity of new ideas and skillsets to our workforce.
Our young team has matured. Our structure has been updated. Our scope has broadened, and our client feedback has highlighted new areas of interest alongside our aspirations.
It was time to shed off our start-up skin and pursue a representative revamp.
How did it happen?
Through careful planning and deliberate implementation!
As our chosen provider, KOBU Agency worked with us on validating key touchpoints and areas of interest. The vision we had in mind was for our design to be clean, striking, and characterful. Given the potential amount of content on our site and social media platforms, consistency was an important consideration throughout the rebranding process.
In practical terms, this involved focusing on:
- Branding: This included a revision of the brand and aligning it with our new identity. The latter was achieved by reviewing our iconography, digital assets, communication guidelines, and other client-facing elements.
- Content production: We reviewed our site materials and created fresh content that aligned with our vision. This helped redefine our brand and articulate our value proposition.
- Design and digital strategy: This involved a comprehensive review of our website design, leading up to developing a brand book that governs our social media engagement. This helped us future-proof for change and streamline our engagement with our clients.
While the shift towards completely different brand guidelines was challenging, our team came away with a new understanding of our brand, alongside a renewed commitment to embodying it in the months and years ahead.
What does the future hold?
The new ‘upgrade’ to our design could not have come at a better time in our journey.
This change marks a new chapter for our team at New Metrics, as we aim to accelerate our agility and growth alongside the growth of our brand.
Our new branding helps us convey what we stand for and the core values we embody as individuals and a company as a whole. We have also made sure that the site has been built with scalability in mind – allowing us to take a modular approach to future changes and development. This allows it to grow and expand alongside our business while remaining accessible and effective.
We’re excited to share our new brand with you and look forward to sharing a whole range of insights designed to help businesses achieve sustainable impact over the coming months.
We have elevated our journey, and we are more than ready to elevate yours.
For more information on this topic, reach out to me at melhaj@newmetrics.net